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Scientific Talks Session I 1. Quantifiable Real-Time
3D Ultrasound Data Acquisition and Visualization Jacqueline Nerney Welch, Jeremy A. Johnson, Michael R. Bax,
Samuel K. S. So, Thomas M. Krummel and Ramin Shahidi 2. Stochastic
Roadmap Simulation: Efficient Representation and Algorithms for the Analysis
of Molecular Motion Serkan Apaydin, Carlos Guestrin, David Hsu, Douglas Brutlag and
Jean-Claude Latomb 3. Automated
Creation of Radiology Teaching Modules: Demonstration of PACS Integration,
Conversion and Distribution Bhargav Raman, Raghav Raman, Lalithakala Raman, Yaseen Samara,
Danny Lau, Garry Gold and Chris Beaulieu 4. Modeling
Biological Processes Using Workflow and Petri Net Models Mor Peleg, Iwei Yeh and Russ Altman 5. Effect
of Release of Flexor Pollicis Longus’ A1 Pulley on the Muscle's Thumb-tip
Force: a Computer Simulation Joseph Towles, Wendy Murray and Felix Zajac 6. Quantitative
Structural Analysis Methods for Electron Microscope Tomography Mark L. Harlow, David Ress, Robert M. Marshall and U. J. McMahan Scientific Talks Session II1. SNPs
And Protein Function: Structural
Modeling of Disease Associated Mutation Sean Mooney and Teri E. Klein 2. A
Fast and Robust Approach for Deformable Modeling in Surgery Simulation Matthias Teschner and Sabine Girod 3. Using
Surface Envelopes in 3D Structure Modeling Jonathan M. Dugan, Glenn A. Williams and Russ B. Altman 4. Computer-Assisted
Beam Orientation Selection for IMRT Andrei B. Pugachev and Lei Xing 5. Microarray
Cluster Evaluation: Easy as 1-2-3 Joshua M Stuart, Laura C. Lazzeroni, Art B. Owen, Moni Kiraly,
James Lund and Stuart K. Kim 6. Computer
Aided Detection of Lung Nodules and Colonic Polyps from Volumetric CT Images David S. Paik, Geoffrey D. Rubin, Christopher F. Beaulieu, Judy Yee, R. Brooke Jeffrey, Jr., Curtis H. Coulam, David Naidich and Sandy Napel Poster Session01 Surveillance
Systems in Biological Sciences Shuo Liu, Teri E. Klein and Russ B. Altman 02 Biocomputation
of Technical Skills Performance Chantal L. Rawn, Carla M. Pugh, Wm. LeRoy Heinrichs and Thomas
M. Krummel 03 Information
Gain and Loss in 4 Prostate Cancer Microarray Research Zhenbin Fan 04 The
Efficacy and Accuracy of Two-Dimensional Virtual Fluoroscopic Navigation in
Intradiscal Procedure Yung C. Chen and Sang-heon Lee 05 Statistical
Evaluation of Brain Wave Recognition of Sentences Dik Kin Wong, Marcos Perreau Guimaraes and Patrick Suppes 06 Curvature
Color Shading of Aorta and Its Branches Haobo Xu 07 Lexical
Methods Increase Precision in Finding Gene/Drug Relationships Jeffrey Chang and Russ Altman 08 Modeling
Liver Motion and Deformation During the Respiratory Cycle Using
Intensity-Based Free-Form Registration of Gated MR Images Rohlfing T, Maurer CR, O'Dell WG and Zhong J 09 Frame-Based
Representation of Biological Experimental Data and Its Applications Mike Bada, Michelle Whirl Carrillo and Russ Altman 10 Relative
Motion of the Rectus Femoris and Vastus Intermedius During Knee Extension Deanna Asakawa, Silvia Blemker, Garry Gold and Scott Delp 11 Mechanobiology
of Developmental Dysplasia of the Hip Sandra J. Shefelbine and Dennis R. Carter 12 Fast
Brain Flattening Alex Wade, Robert F. Dougherty and Brian A. Wandell 13 Computational
Investigation of the Biomechanical Response of the Cornea to Lamellar
Procedures F.A. Guarnieri, P.M. Pinsky and J. Shimmick 14 Medial
Axis Registration of Supine and Prone CT Colonography Data Ping Li, Burak Acar, Sandy Napel, David S. Paik, Judy Yee R.,
Brooke Jeffrey, Jr. and Christopher F. Beaulieu 15 Evaluation
of Soft-Tissue Model Parameters Matthias Teschner and Sabine Girod 16 Analysis
of Biochemical Proximity Experiments:
The Ribosome Case Michelle Whirl Carillo, Irene S. Gabashvili, Mike Bada, D. Rey
Banatao and Russ B. Altman 17 Of
Screensavers and Proteins: Simulating Folding of Beta Hairpin Using
Distributed Computing Bojan Zagrovic, Eric Sorin and Vijay Pande 18 Generation
of Traveling Waves of Myxococcus Xanthus Cells Welch RD, Igoshin O, Oster G and Kaiser D 19 Simulations
of a Designed Beta-Beta-Alpha Fold Christopher D. Snow and Vijay S. Pande 20 GABRIEL:
a Machine Learning System for the Analysis of DNA Microarrays and Other
Genetic Datasets Kuang-Hung Pan, Chih Jian Lih and Stanley N. Cohen 21 Modeling
Molecular Function and Failure: Misreading of Genetic Code by the Ribosome Irene S. Gabashvili, Mor Peleg and Russ B. Altman 22 Efficient
Incremental Collision Detection for Large Molecular Models Itay Lotan and Fabian Schwarzer 23 Thoroughly
Searching Sequence Space: Large-Scale Protein Design of Structural Ensembles Stefan M. Larson, Jeremy L. England, John R. Desjarlais and
Vijay S. Pande 24 Regulatory
Networks Revealed by Transcriptional Profiling in the Yeast Wei Wang, J Michael Cherry, Hao Li and David Botstein 25 Small
Libraries of Protein Fragments Accurately Model Native Protein Structures Rachel Kolodny, Patrice Koehl, Leo Guibas and Michael Levitt 26 Identification
of Clinically Relevant Genes in Lung Tumor Expression Data Olga G. Troyanskaya, Mitchell E. Garber, Russ B. Altman and
David Botstein 27 Automated
Functional Annotation of Protein Structures Mike Hsin-Ping Liang, Russ B. Altman and Doug L. Brutlag 28 How
Does Soleus Strength Affect Gait Characteristics? Jill S. Higginson, Richard R.. Neptune, Felix E. Zajac and Steve
A. Kautz 29 Automated
Aortic Flow-channel Segmentation: Method and Comparison with Manual
Segmentation Feng Zhuge, Sandy Napel, Smadar Shiffman and Geoffrey D. Rubin 30 Move
to a Cure Lorenzo Torresani, Danny B. Yang, Eugene J. Alexander, Christoph
Bregler and Helen Bronte-Stewart 31 An
Automated Method to Quantify Air Trapping in Obstructive Pulmonary Disease Zhu June Hongyun, Michael L Goris and Terry E. Robinson 32 Mechanobiology
of Soft Skeletal Tissue Regeneration: A Mathematical Approach for Describing
Material Property Changes During Soft Skeletal Tissue Formation Loboa Polefka EG, Wren TAL, Beaupré GS and Carter DR 33 Medical
Imaging Using Capacitive Micromachined Ultrasonic Transducer Arrays Jeremy Johnson, Ömer Oralkan, Utkan Demirci, Sanli Ergun,
Mustafa Karaman and Pierre Khuri-Yakub 34 An
Advanced Visualization Tool for Gene Expression Tuan Pham, Amit Kaushal, Eran Segal, Nir Friedman and Daphne
Koller 35 Semi-Automatic
Identification of Retinotopic Visual Areas R.F. Dougherty, V.M. Koch, A.R.. Wade, B. Fischer and B.A.
Wandell 36 Progenetix.net:
Storage and Visualization of Genomic Aberration Data in Human Malignancies as
Starting Point for Data Mining Procedures Michael Baudis 37 Correction
of Motion Artifacts in Three-Dimensional CT-DSA Using Constrained Adaptive
Multi-Level Free-Form Registration Rohlfing T and Maurer CR 38 Genome
Intersection Analysis: A New Means of Identifying Biological Pathways Theodor Hanekamp, Iwei Yeh and Russ Altman 39 Curved
Thin Slab Maximum Intensity Projections (CTS-MIP): Method and Evaluation for
CT Angiography Raghav Raman, Sandy Napel and Geoffrey D. Rubin 40 Wavelet
Censoring for Statistical Analyses of Brain Waves Marcos Perreau Guimaraes, Patrick Suppes and Dik Kin Wong 41 Handheld
Access to Radiology Teaching Files: An Automated System for Format Conversion
and Content Creation Lalithakala Raman, Raghav Raman, Bhargav Raman, Yaseen Samara,
Danny Lau, Garry Gold and Chris
Beaulieu 42 An
Interactive Approach To Individualizing Generic Medical Decision Models George C. Scott and Ross D. Shachter 43 SKOLAR
Cards - Mobile Access to Hiqh Quality Clinical Information Jeremy C. Durack, Todd Grappone, Scott Kush and Al Nevarez 44 Using
Binning to Maintain Confidentiality in Pharmacogenomic Databases Zhen Lin, Michael Hewett and Russ Altman |