Press Relations
HOMEPAGE | Contact Information

Press Relations Coordinator:

Kevin Pan
Biomedical Informatics
Stanford University

Press Registration for BCATS

Qualified members of the press and editorial community can receive complimentary registration to BCATS. Press Registration will include lunch.

To register, please contact the Press Relations Coordinator, above, for credential verification before October 20, 2003.

Press Qualifications

You must be a reporter, writer, editor, publisher, photographer, or videographer assigned by a local, regional, or nationally organized media publication to receive BCATS press registration. Qualified media representatives will be registered at no cost. Qualified media representatives meet one of the following criteria:

  • Full-time employees of media organizations must present a press pass, business card, or a letter on company letterhead from a supervisor confirming the registrant is on assignment to cover BCATS.
  • Freelance writers, photographers, or videographers must verify they have been retained to cover BCATS by presenting an official letter from a recognized news organization or a publication. Alternately, you may present clips of published articles you have written about closely related conferences or events.
General Inquiries / Media Support

    We encourage participation of the press community at BCATS. If you have any questions regarding the conference, please contact the Press Coordinator listed above. We will do everything possible to answer your questions quickly and efficiently.

HOMEPAGE | Contact Information