All Stanford students and post-docs are encouraged to submit abstracts for presentation at BCATS
2003. For all presentations, the author must submit an abstract describing their work and be present at the conference. The topic should be related to
biomedical computation. There are two categories of
Please target your presentation towards a broad audience due to the diverse background of the BCATS attendees.
Scientific Talks
Scientific talks will be 10 minutes followed by 5 minutes of questions. Presenters are encouraged to also have a poster (or slide hardcopies mounted as a poster) during the poster session to field further questions. We regret that only a small number of students will be able to talk at the conference. Submissions for talks will be considered for a poster/demo presentation if they are not accepted for talk.
Poster Session / Software Demonstrations
Poster space will be approximately 4 ft high by 3 ft wide. Flat boards and push pins will be provided to display posters.
For software demonstrations, presenters can request table space in addition to presenting a poster. Software demonstrations will be allowed on a space-available basis only and will require that the presenter have a poster describing their work. Software demonstration space will be (by default) approximately half of a 6 foot long table, and power will be provided. Special arrangements must be made for other space requirements. At this time we also expect to provide RJ45 Ethernet access, but please check back (verification of that is still in progress).
The new deadline for abstract submission is midnight, October 6th 2003. Abstracts for both scientific talks and posters/software demonstrations
are the same format. The text of the abstract should be limited to 2750 characters (including spaces) or less.
Figures can also be included with submitted abstracts as a link to your webpage containing the figures.
You will need to use your SUNet ID and password to submit online.
Please submit your abstract here
If you are having trouble with the online submitter, please contact