Aditya Rao
A robust host-based gene expression diagnostic for malaria versus other infectious diseases
Alex Williams
Dimensionality Reduction of Neural Dynamics Within and Across Trials By Tensor Decomposition
Erika Bongen
Profiling immune system sex differences in the healthy human transcriptome
Gautam Machiraju
Mathematical Tumor Kinetics: A Multi-Compartment Biomarker Shedding Model
Greg McInnes
Global Biobank Engine: An Online Tool for the Statistical Exploration of Large Genomic Datasets
Idit Kosti
Meta Analysis of Microbiome Data and Electronic Medical Data Provides New Insights On Preterm Births
Jessica Torres
Characterization of Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy using Wearable Sensors
Kedar Tatwawadi
GTRAC: fast retrieval from compressed collections of genomic variants
Kelly Zalocusky
The 10,000 Immunomes Project: A Data Resource for Human Immunology
Michael Gloudemans
Whole genome sequencing of diverse human populations resolves causal regulatory variants
Nandita Bhaskhar and Pulkit Tandon
Automated methods for detection of axon bundle activation in Epiretinal Prostheses
Oliver Bear Don't Walk IV
Tagging Patient Notes With ICD-9 Codes
Pratibha Jagannatha
The Role of Alternative Splicing Regulation in the Innate Immune Response
BCATS 2017 will take place at the Li Ka Shing Center for Learning and Knowledge (LKSC) on Stanford's Campus.
The conference will take place in the Berg Hall Conference Center on the second floor of the building.
Driving directions to the LKSC can be found here.
Parking is available in the S1, S2 and Sand Hill Parking lots but may be limited; please arrive early to guarantee parking space.
Public transportation is also available. Take Caltrain to Palo Alto/University Ave station and then the Marguerite to LKSC.